Important Announcement:
As of August 1st, 2021, I am no longer living in Cleveland, OH and will not be servicing in person clients there.
New Britain, CT USA | 860-400-5533 | ana@soundmindalchemy.com

If you need spiritual guidance by a professional with over 25+ years experience, a tarot card reading is just what you need! Ask questions about love, career, finances, life path or anything else that is on your mind.
Sound mind alchemy is when you take all of the crap inside your head and turn it into gold...

Is your energy off, feeling drained, or in a persistent funky mood? You'll love how you feel after a long distance Reiki Chakra and Aura Scrub!

Are you wanting to facilitate lasting changes in your life such as getting over heartbreak, stop procrastination, reduce stress, sleep better, attract wealth, gain confidence or anything else you can think of? Hypnosis is a proven way to help you achieve your desired outcome quickly and efficiently.

Do you want to learn how to change your mindset, manifest the sh!t outta life like a boss and learn some cool woo woo stuff? You will love Magick Lab Portal.